5 Reasons Your Cat Is Having Trouble Breathing

5 Possible Reasons Your Cat is Having Trouble Breathing

Medical Contributor:

Dr. Elise Dittman

Sep 20, 2024

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Us cat lovers are comforted by the purring and the familiar meows from our favorite feline friends. But, it’s the sound of troubled breathing in your cat that makes you sit up and take notice — you want to know what is happening and how to help your cat.

Here’s a look at the 5 common causes for breathing difficulty (dyspnea) in cats. We’ll tell you about the symptoms to watch for, and when to seek urgent care at a VEG animal hospital near you.


1. Heart diseases can cause difficulty in breathing

Difficulty in breathing due to decreased oxygen flow or fluid accumulation in or around the lungs are symptoms of heart disease in cats. One common heart-related condition in cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), the thickening of the heart muscle, which impedes normal heart function.

When to seek emergency vet help

The following symptoms, especially in middle-aged and older cats, may indicate heart disease. It’s best to contact your emergency VEG vet right away if you notice:

  • Lethargy
  • Reduced appetite
  • Sudden onset of heavy breathing

2. Asthma in cats can contribute to difficulty breathing

Just as it is for humans, feline asthma is an inflammatory condition which affects the small passageways in the lungs. Symptoms include:

  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing

Cat asthma? Managing asthma symptoms

While the symptoms of asthma are not curable, they are indeed manageable under the supervision of your VEG emergency vet. Treatment may involve medication to reduce lung inflammation/dilate the airways and make breathing easier for your precious little companion.

3. Respiratory infections may be reason why your cat has trouble breathing

Conditions such as feline upper respiratory infections (URI) are common in cats and may severely impact their breathing. Usually caused by viruses or bacteria, symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Nasal discharge
  • General malaise

Importance of early treatment for respiratory infections

Any respiratory distress in your cat should be treated as an emergency. Spotting these signs in your cat and getting early treatment for respiratory infections can prevent complications and lead to a speedier recovery. Our vets at VEG can provide the medications and care needed to fight the infection and relieve the symptoms.

4. Pleural effusion can cause difficult breathing in cats

The accumulation of fluid in the space around the lungs — pleural effusion — can also cause your poor kitty to struggle to breathe.

Pleural effusion in felines can stem from various health issues, including:

  • Heart failure
  • Chest trauma
  • Tumors

Seek urgent care for your cat

If you think your cat may have pleural effusion, it’s best to seek urgent veterinary care at VEG right away. Our experienced emergency vets will triage your pet immediately. We may need to perform a procedure to remove the fluid and diagnose the underlying cause to treat it appropriately.

5. Lung tumors may cause breathing hardship for cats

Although not as common, lung tumors can be a serious cause of respiratory distress in cats due to the restriction of airflow or accumulation of fluids.

If your cat has a lung tumor, they need to be assessed by our emergency vet, treated, and monitored.

Treatment options — depending on the type and stage of the tumor — may include:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Palliative care


When it comes to breathing difficulty in cats, it’s best to reach out to VEG ER for pets ASAP. Our emergency animal hospitals are open 24 hours a day, even on holidays. Is your feline a fraidy cat at the vet? No worries. Our unique care experience is designed to help you and your cat stress less during your visit.

Call VEG to speak to an experienced ER vet or just come in. Our staff will ensure your pet receives prompt and appropriate care… so both you and kitty can breathe easy.