Many pet owners are aware that things like chocolate cannot be eaten by their dogs, but it is all too common for plants to be left in the home that are toxic. Cats and dogs can be harmed by a variety of plants that you might have in your house, and you need to know which plants are toxic to pets for this reason. Being sure that you are not accidentally exposing your pet to toxic plants is key for a variety of reasons. There are various flowering plants that are toxic to dogs, and lilies can be counted among their number. If you have lilies in your home, you need to know which varieties are not safe for your pet to have access to. Even chewing on dropped leaves or petals from these flowers can lead to a life-threatening situation that requires immediate attention from a vet.
Which Kinds of Lilies Are Poisonous to Dogs?
There are various kinds of lilies that can make your dog sick, and there are others that are quite toxic to cats and dogs, which can cause your pet to need emergency medical support. You will want to consider all of these lilies to be a no-go if you have a dog living in your home.
On the list of lilies that are toxic to dogs and can lead to anorexia, vomiting, depression, and diarrhea are:
Easter Lilies
Japanese Lilies
Oriental Lily Hybrids
Stargazer Lilies
Casa Blanca Lilies
Tiger Lilies
The list of lilies that can cause your dog to feel poorly but which might not cause severe symptoms includes:
Flame Lilies
Peace Lilies
Calla Lilies
Lily of the Valley
Peruvian Lilies
These lilies will not result in severe illness in most cases, but prolonged exposure can make your dog feel bad enough to stop drinking and eating, so best to avoid bringing them near you dog.
Why Are Lilies So Dangerous to Pet Health?
Most of the toxic lily varieties are dangerous to your pet’s well-being because they can cause kidney damage and dehydration, which can lead to other organ problems. Pets that are exposed to these plants can ingest their leaves or petals, and this can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and a loss of appetite. When exposure is limited and happens infrequently, dogs might have bouts of illness followed by improved periods that seem to have no explanation.
Some of these lilies are indoor plants, while others are outdoor-only flowers. If you have moved into a home that has landscaping already established, be sure that you look around for things like lilies that your dog might get into when they are in the yard. These kinds of poisoning cases are often caused by a plant or two that is in the yard of a new home and which the pet owner did not know was present. It is easy to think of lilies as being indoor-only threats to your dog’s well-being, but this is not always the case.
How to Avoid Pet Exposure to Lilies
It’s really easy to keep these kinds of plants out of your home if you know which ones are potentially toxic to your pet. You will have to pay more attention if your pet is with you and you visit someone’s home who does not have dogs or might not be aware of the risk that these plants pose to pet well-being. Be attentive to petals and leaves from any plant that might be on the ground or on the floor of your home or a public place. Do not allow your pet to ingest or lick these items to protect them from accidental poisoning.
Dogs can be quick to grab things and put them into their mouths. Be sure that you have trained a “drop it” cue or some other form of command that will reliably make your pet drop whatever they have picked up in their mouth. You will need these cues for other things as well from time to time, such as garbage that your dog might have found while on a walk or even in the case of a pet picking up things like chicken bones and trying to eat them.
What Do I Do if My Dog Eats Lilies?
If you know that your pet has eaten lily plant leaves or flowers, you will need to call the vet right away. While some animals only have a mild reaction, others can get dangerously sick. You will need to know what to look for, and your vet might want to have you bring your pet in to be seen right away. Vets will usually go ahead and have your dog throw up the contents of their stomach, and they might want to keep your pet on observation for a while to be sure that they are not showing signs of toxicity.
Pets that have been exposed to anything toxic will usually be given intravenous fluids, and they might also be given supportive electrolytes to be sure that their organs are protected from a poisoning situation. Even if your dog never shows any symptoms of toxicity, it’s always better to be safe than sorry in cases where you think that your animal could be at risk of poisoning to have your vet provide care.
Lilies Can be Very Toxic to Dogs and Cats
Lilies are one of the flowering plants that you should not have in your home or your yard if you have cats and dogs. You will not want to risk exposing your pets to toxicity that can cause kidney damage and loss of appetite, as well as dehydration. These kinds of symptoms can come on slowly if you have the kind of lilies in your home that are not as toxic, and you might think that your pet is just not feeling well for other reasons.
Knowing more about the kinds of flowering plants that you should not expose your pets to can help prevent medical emergencies. Make sure that you are aware of the kinds of plants that are pet safe for the well-being of your dog.
For more information, or if you would like speak to an emergency vet, contact VEG by calling one of our locations. We have locations all over the country that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have emergency veterinarians who are ready to talk with you and guide you on the next best steps to make sure your pet gets the best care.