Our adorable pooches certainly know how to keep us on our toes! Naturally, the sight of your dog vomiting blood can set off a five-bell alarm in your head. But trust us, we get lots of calls at Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) with a panicked voice on the other end saying “My dog threw up blood!” But, before your mind jumps to all sorts of conclusions, read on for possible reasons and what actions you should take.
First things first: Treat this like an emergency. While the reasons behind your dog’s bloody vomit can range from minor to more serious, we should try to identify a cause and make sure your pet is stable. Call or take your dog right to VEG. Our doors are always open and a highly trained team (our VEGgies!) is ready to triage your pet immediately. As with any emergency, the earlier you seek treatment, the better.
Whether you’ve noticed a spot or two of blood or found a big pile of it, you’ll want to get to the why of your dog’s sudden health problem. Here are some possible reasons your canine is vomiting blood:
You’ve heard of UFOs, but how about IFO? Our IFO here is Ingestion of Foreign Objects. Some dogs are curious nibblers on foreign objects and some have a real appetite for destruction. Unfortunately, this can lead them to swallowing things that they shouldn’t – chicken bones from the garbage, plastic toys, and more can be culprits behind bloody vomit.
Even dogs get gastro grief Gastrointestinal problems relating to stomach and intestines (i.e., inflammation, ulcers, gastritis or esophagitis) can also be the cause of blood in your canine’s vomit. These are concerning conditions that require a prompt visit to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Other systemic causes Sometimes, blood in your dog’s vomit can point to a larger underlying cause, including ingestion of toxins (rodenticide/rat bait, NSAID medications), a clotting disorder, endocrine disease, or issues with organ function. Diagnostic testing at the hospital can help rule out some of these causes and choose the appropriate treatment to address the problem at hand.
Even if there’s no blood in your dog’s vomit, throwing up can be indicative of a problem for your dog, so don’t delay. VEG is here to help!
With a unique, compassionate focus on the patient and customer, and top-of-the-line diagnostic tools, our amazing VEGgies provide the professional veterinary care your pet needs. We’re open 24/7, even on holidays. What’s more, you can stay with your dog throughout his entire treatment and recovery.