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Veterinary Emergency Group is Now VEG ER for Pets


You might know Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) for delivering exceptional emergency care to pets, 24 hours a day. And you might even know that our animal hospitals consistently get high ratings from pet parents, maybe you’ve even written one! But did you know that we’ve just made it easier to keep us top of mind in an emergency? Yesss! You can now refer to us as VEG ER for Pets! Or even easier, VEG. 

VEG ER for Pets is a refreshed name with a brand new look, yet the same trusted vet care pet parents rely on. We still offer the best 24-hour emergency and urgent care for all pets, including vet care for exotics. Our VEGgies continue to be highly trained in emergency situations and have the skills to handle any case that walks through our doors. 

So, why would a successful company change its name? Anyone who knows VEG knows that we’re "not normal." We do things differently…and better. Our customers have always known what VEG does, but now our name reflects exactly what we do and what we’ve always done. VEG. We’re an ER for Pets.


You’ll agree that our name was a bit too long. Okay, way too long. Lots of syllables, and on our VEG gear, like doctor coats, hats, and t-shirts, our name took up a lot of real estate. As VEG ER for Pets, we bring a fresh look that’s easy to see and remember if your pet is having an emergency.

Explains Founder and CEO Dr. David Bessler, "Our name has three things: number one is who we are, number two is what we do, and number three is to be easy—it shouldn't be a mouthful or really difficult to say."

As excited as we are to roll out our new name everywhere, there will be some hospitals that still display the name Veterinary Emergency Group. Rome wasn’t built in a day and now we know why. It takes time to get things right. And if it’s one thing VEG is used to doing, it’s making those bold changes for great reasons, like our 24-hour, open-concept ERs, speaking to a doctor when you call, staying with your pet during your visit—you know, the things you can only get at VEG! 

So, depending on where you live and which VEG you’re visiting, you might see our old name, but know you’re still in good hands with our VEG staff, aka VEGgies. 

Says President and Co-founder David Glattstein, "When we talk about ourselves and when people talk about us, they talk about VEGgies. That was really core when we thought about what's best for us." 

Exterior of VEG ER for Pets emergency animal hospital with new logo
Take a look! It's our new logo on one of our VEG ER for Pets emergency animal hospitals!


But we want to be clear, this is not exactly a rebrand, it’s a “right brand.” Says Bessler, "A rebrand implies that you completely change your name. What I love about what I'll call ‘right branding’ is that we sort of pivoted our name so it describes who we are and what we do, rather than coming up with something completely new."

We didn’t stop at our name. Throughout 2025 and 2026, VEG is rolling out a fresh, new look. Customers, pets, and VEGgies alike will feel the vital pulse of VEG ER for Pets throughout each building. And these colors and patterns will enhance our walls to emphasize our open concept ERs. 

That’s right. No walls between us, except when a quiet room is needed. We’re transparent in all we do, from care options to finance discussions. We work with you the same way we always have.

We know emergencies are scary, but at VEG ER for Pets, we make a scary situation less stressful. Our color and pattern scheme were created to complement this unique customer and pet experience.    

Two veterinary medical staff employees wearing black VEG scrubs attend to a fluffy black cat who is receiving eye drops.
Our new look doesn't change the exceptional ER care and experience that VEG is known for across the U.S.


No matter which VEG you are visiting, our training, quality of care, and reliability remain the same. Whenever something is going on with your pet, VEG ER for Pets is the place to call to speak directly with a vet. We’re open 24 hours, seven days a week, even on holidays, so you can walk in and we’ll immediately triage your pet and prioritize your case. 

Find the VEG ER for Pets nearest you. Save us to your contacts in case of emergency. Call ahead, and we’ll meet you at the door if you need assistance. We’re always open to help people and their pets when they need it most. 

One dozen animal icons in red and light blue shades for VEG ER for Pets brand refresh.
A peek at some of our refreshed iconography at VEG ER for Pets!

VEG ER for pets.png

call now &
speak with a vet

open 24/7, even holidays!

Walk in for:

point-of-care ultrasound
urgent care
diagnostics + testing
end-of-life care
treatment + hospitalization
VEG ER for pets.png

call now & 
speak with a vet

open 24/7, even holidays!

VEG {Location}

790 New Jersey 3

Clifton, NJ 07012-2328

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