Dog Scared Of Fireworks What Do I Do

My Dog is Scared of Fireworks — What Can I Do?

Medical Contributor:

Dr. Danielle DeBrincat

Jun 25, 2024

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Crackle… sizzle… BOOM! If you’ve got a dog who doesn’t ‘do’ loud noises, you know just how daunting a night of fireworks can be. While we may “ooh” and “aah!” at the spectacular displays, you may notice an entirely different reaction from your pooch. While some dogs try to hide, others may become more aggressive, urinate out of fear, or just plain tremble… all reactions that stem from your pup’s anxiety.

At VEG, we are all-too familiar with this behavioral response to fireworks and have a few tips and tricks to help your little firecracker through it all.


Let’s walk through possible ways you may be able to help your petrified pup overcome the fear of fireworks.

1. Prepare for fireworks ahead of time

When you know an event or holiday is going to involve fireworks, start prepping at least a week in advance. Know your plan. This way, you won’t be scrambling around at the last minute to find a safe space that’s perfect for a temporary scaredy-dog.

On the day of the fireworks, get a head start. Feed and walk your dog early. This way, your pup will be all settled in—way before the show even starts.

2. Try not to leave your dog alone

If possible, make plans to be at home with your dog during any scheduled fireworks. You don’t have to spend every moment with your doggo (this may actually cause more harm than good), but just being at home helps reduce other stress factors in your dog’s life at the time.

If you absolutely cannot be at home, consider having a friend, family member or pet sitter come to stay with your dog instead.

3. Create a safe space for your dog at home

Put together a dog-friendly safe space where your furry friend will feel safe and secure during the fireworks. This can be as simple as setting up a dog crate or as big as making the laundry or guest room puppers-perfect for the night.

Here are a few ways to make it comfy and cozy:

  • Keep a bowl of fresh, clean water in or near this space so your dog doesn’t have to travel far to get a drink
  • Avoid food until your dog has settled down again later on
  • Place familiar scented items like favorite bedding and a dog-safe toy or two to calm frayed nerves

Dog-owner’s tip: If your pet is prone to damaging items (think cushions), it’s recommended to remove them from the space.

With proper time allotted, you’ll be able to create a calm environment within your home to serve as your canine’s retreat!

4. Drown out the sound for your distressed dog

While it may not be possible to totally drown out the sound of fireworks, you can help your dog feel a little more relaxed by covering it up with other household noises as much as possible. Play gentle music or keep the TV on in the room.

Another great solution for this option is to turn on a white noise machine. These play soothing noises that are designed to help people relax, but they often work well on dogs, too. Don’t have a white noise machine? Try a white-noise mobile app instead.

5. Try a thunder shirt on your dog

Dressing your pup in a thunder shirt may help quell the quivers. These shirts give dogs some deep pressure therapy by making them feel all wrapped up and secure during situations that cause panic or anxiety – like fireworks.

If you choose to use a thunder shirt, try it on your doggo before the fireworks to make sure it fits and to see how your dog reacts to it.

6. Stay calm and dog parent on

Last but not least, remain calm. If you panic or worry all night, chances are your perceptive pooch will pick up on those feelings as well. The more soothing you appear, the calmer your dog will be throughout the fireworks.

Strike the right balance when interacting with your dog. Don’t coddle your pet, but also don’t completely ignore those puppy-dog eyes. When you do interact, do so as you would any other day, like nothing is out of the ordinary.


In the event of a firework freakout by your dog, a microchip is one of the best ways to ensure your pup’s safety. This tiny device, implanted under your dog’s skin through a quick and simple procedure, contains a unique identification number that can be read by a scanner. If your dog gets spooked and runs away, the microchip makes it easy for vets and authorities to identify your pup and contact you.


With the right planning and preparation, even a pup who is panicked by fireworks can get through the Fourth of July and other noisy holidays and events. Remember, there’s also no harm in asking your primary care vet for advice and possibly for anxiety medication if your dog struggles during the noise of fireworks.

However, if your dog is having an exceptionally hard time during the fireworks, especially during a holiday or late at night when many general vet practices are closed, it may be necessary to seek emergency vet care.

At VEG, all our locations are open 24/7 on weekends and holidays, too. Dogs shouldn’t be worked up or stressed for long periods as this could lead to other health problems. Our emergency vets are here to make sure your pooch passes this time with flying colors!